Author Archives: Mortiz Georg
Hello from Spain!
EUGEN 2020 online challenge
Check out our EUGEN2020 online challenge on Instagram (no account required)!
EUGEN2018 Preregistration is open now!
Five more days to wait!
Five more days to wait! We hope that, if you aren’t it already, you getting excited now! Also we wanna say “thank you” to all your sponsors, which are supporting us!
Six more month to go until Eugen 2017
Preregistration is open now!
To see where our journey is going to in august click on the link below!
General meeting in Aachen on the 8th of November
Our members had spoken. An annual meeting of all members of our society took place during the national meeting of geoscience student body associatons in Aachen (GER) on saturday the 8th of november. Every two years our society has to elect a new leadership and this year our leadership got reelected:
First chairman Andreas Kraft
Second chairman Moritz Georg
Finances Arne Grobe
Secretary Gunnar Oeltzschner
Our adviser team:
Christian Knell
Felix Hüttenrauch
Johanna Metzger
Sophie Hollinetz
Marina Brinkmann
Tobias Woznitza
An awesome team to process all the things we’ve planed for the following two years!