A message from the Belgians!

“Dear all,

Eugen 2016 Belgium is coming closer and closer, with only one month and a half to go! As probably most of you know, every evening we have some time to listen to presentations with a geoscientific subject. Of course, this is only possible if we have people who want to give a presentation!

Therefore, if u are interested in giving a presentation about a geoscientific topic of your choice (your thesis- or Phd-subject, information about studying geosciences at universities in your country, a subject of your interests,…) at Eugen 2016, please send an e-mail to eugen2016belgium@gmail.com with your name and the subject of your presentation!

We also need some new volunteering countries for hosting Eugen 2017! If u are willing to organise Eugen 2017, please prepare a presentation about why it should be held in your country!

Best regards and see you in August!

Rik Vangilbergen and the rest of the ORGA-squad”

P.S.: For those who haven’t registered and paid yet, don’t wait any longer!! Registrations are open for everyone now!